ZhiGuang Golden Snail Training Center, Jinan, China
Established in 2004 to provide vocational job skills training for adults with learning disabilities, the center was the first non-profit charity in Jinan City. As there were few government resources available in this aspect, the Center has become a resource for studies and internships for the local colleges.
智光啟能中心成立於2004年,專為成年智障人士培訓專業技能,是中國大陸濟南市第一間民營的非營利公益機構;在缺乏政府資源 投入的情況下,一路走來,已成為附近大學社工系的短期實習及學習場所。
At-Risk Youth Service Center, Taiwan
In this program, services are provided for at-risk youth aged 14-20 to navigate their issues and help them to transition into productive members of society. The youth we work with here may face problems including drug addiction, violent tendencies, pregnancy, self-injury, suicidal, sexual deviation, criminal records and other issues. We provide these adolescents with a safe and supportive space where they can start afresh. They can meet with social workers and volunteers by appointment or as available. In addition to therapies in behavior and psychological counselling, academic programs, and vocational training are also provided.
關懷14-20歲處在危險邊緣的青少年,包括中輟、翹家、吸毒、暴力、性行為放縱、偷竊、搶劫、自殺、自傷等社會問題的青少年, 陪伴他們在坎坷的生命中走過危機,繼續成長。為他們提供一個溫馨、自在、安全的地方-『惠爾飛YOUNG!舘』。在此邊緣青少年能藉著 定期或不定期的與社工、志工相遇,重新體驗一種不被批判的生命經驗,藉由談話、體驗活動、職業訓練、職業媒合、課業輔導等服務內容, 重建邊緣青少年與社會支持網絡的關係,修補其內在運作模式,以利於未來生活的改善。
Taiwan Yu-Ren Child Development Center
For children born with physical and mental disabilities, Yu Ren Children’s Development Center as the pioneer in early childhood education in Taiwan, providing opportunities for education, daycare centers and job training facilities.
Ricci Social Services – Aids & Leprosy Services
利瑪竇社會服務 – 痲瘋及愛滋病患服務計畫
Based on the belief to build a society that offers equal opportunities for all, the Ricci Social Services is in 12 Chinese provinces operating 59 Leprosy Rehab centers and 5 AIDS Rehab centers. Their main goal is to build a place and a home where different people can meet with each other and become community – one where everybody gives and receives, i.e., a solidarity.
利瑪竇社會服務堅持要建立一個給予平等機會的社會, 幫助生活在貧困和社會邊緣的中國民眾,達致他們永續且美滿的社會經濟生活及 自給自足,能主宰自己的命運並為國家整體發展獻出力量。
See the Lord
See the Lord is a non-profit organization based on Catholic principles that seek to serve the underprivileged around the world by providing healthcare, Catholic ministry, and education.
See the Lord 是一個基於天主教原則的非營利組織,致力於通過提供醫療保健、天主教事工和教育活動來服務世界各地的弱勢群體。
Eden House
It is a Gospel-centered social service center located in Hebei, China. It explores the order of God’s love since the beginning of creation, providing relevant courses and family pastoral activities for young people to develop healthy and enriching relationships.
Wenxinzhijia Orphanage
Located in Hebei, China, the orphanage is served by the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Despite facing extremely challenging conditions, the sisters compassionately and lovingly care for and support the lives and dignity of the orphans, providing them with opportunities to receive education.
Greater NY Area Chinese Youth Subsidized Education
The main goal of this program is to provide supplementary educational resources for Chinese youth in the greater New York area. Many less affluent Chinese-American families are unable to offer quality education to their children during the pandemic. In an effort to provide equal educational opportunities, we will provide them with online educational equipment and materials to meet their needs. A secondary goal of the program is to build a core group of experienced instructors. The high turn-over in the past has negatively affected the quality of instruction.
Northern Thailand Chinese School Teacher Training and Student Aids
Starting 2018, CSCNACC collaborates with Caritas Taiwan to provide opportunities of education to the needy children in Northern Thailand. This program, continued since 1980 by Caritas Taiwan, has provided tuition for 1,200 students and salaries of 30 teachers. 12 students also received financial aids for enrollng in the schools in Taiwan.
「北美仁愛基金」於2018年度開始與「台灣明愛基金會」合作,資助泰北華校師資培育及認養學生教師。 「台灣明愛基金會」於 1980年開始走向泰北,關懷華校,迄今共資助了1,200 位學生的學費及30位教師的薪資, 12位學生獲赴台就讀助學金。
Dandelion Charity Scholarship
Founded in 1999, CSCNACC’s predecessor the Dandelion Charity Scholarship intends to provide funding to disadvantaged students in remote areas in China, including Hebei, Xinjiang, Gansu, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Anhui, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hainan. Recently, areas even extend to Taiwan (Taidong, Yilan) and Africa (Kenya, Tanzania). This is the largest program of CSCNACC.
「北美仁愛基金」的前身,「蒲公英仁愛基金」成立於1999年,對象為中國大陸偏遠地區的弱勢學生,包括河北,新疆,甘肅,山西,安徽,廣東, 貴州,陝西,海南等地區,近年又拓展至台灣(台東、宜蘭)和非洲肯亞、坦桑尼亞等處,是北美仁愛基金中最大,歷史最久之項目。
George Cheng Vocation Scholarship
This memorial scholarship was established for Mr. George Cheng who dedicated his whole life to promote religious vocations. Funds mainly go to the XiAn Theological School in China where there are about 140 students and qualified teaching faculty but limited resources.
為紀念一向熱心支持大陸福傳和聖召培育的團員鄭繼宗先生, 目前主要是支持師資陣容堅強,修士,修女學生眾多(約140名),但經費 短缺的陝西西安神哲學院。
Rev. John Cheng, S.J. Memorial Lay Apostolate Scholarship
This memorial fund is named after Rev. John Cheng, SJ, the founder of the Christian Service Community. Funds which provide three-year full tuition go to the lay students at St. Robert Bellarmine Theology School of Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan.
為紀念基督服務團始創人鄭爵銘神父,在台灣輔仁大學聖博敏神學院大學部教義系或神學系成立三年全額獎學金(包含學費及生活費), 培養青年平信徒,增強其神學,神修之素養,為福傳及牧靈工作儲備人才。
”Firemark” High School Lay Apostolate Summer Camp
“Firemark” is a Catholic youth camp self-organized by the ethnic Chinese Catholics in the Los Angeles area for high school students. The camp focuses on strengthening spiritual literacy, leadership, cooperation and teamwork.
CACCLC (California Chinese Catholic Living Camp) is a thriving community of young adults who come together every year for a weekend full of faith, fellowship, and fun!
Greater New York Youth Summer Camp
For over two decades, volunteers of CSCNACC in the New York Metropolitan Area have organized youth summer camps for new immigrant Chinese youngsters residing in the inner-city urban areas. Campers spend a few days away from their home staying in cabins and learning skills such as wilderness survival, teamwork and leadership while having fun and making new friends. In recent years the leadership of the summer camp has gradually turned over to the campers of the earlier years, and they are teaching and mentoring a new generation of campers.
廿餘年來,大紐約區的「北美仁愛基金」的義工們舉辦華青夏令營,提供居住在大城市擁擠的環境,父母忙於生計的新移民子弟一個接觸大自然, 學習團隊精神,發揮領導才能,結交新朋友,健全身心發展的機會。近幾年來,此夏令營已漸漸交棒給早期年輕之營友,參與規劃與主持。
Youth Leadership Training Fund
This fund starts in 2018 will provide tuition subsidies for youth of high schoolers to young adults to attend leadership training programs such as “Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics”, etc. Interested youth can apply at
為鼓勵華裔青年參加領袖訓練課程,此基金將於 2018年接受申請,提供參加訓練之學費補助。有志者請向「北美仁愛基金」 申請。
Boston College Chinese Students Services
Activities include monthly dinner party and special seminar on issues concerning foreign students in the US.
每月為中國留學生舉辦週末餐會及演講討論會, 並幫助解決留學生面臨的個人問題。