歷史 History
最初於 1999 年由居住在北美的華人天主教友成立,原名為「蒲公英仁愛助學金」 於 2011 年擴大基金的贊助項目,並增編義工服務人員,改名為「北美仁愛基金」
CSCNA Charity Corps was first founded by Chinese American Catholics in 1999 as a non-profit organization “Dandelion Charity Scholarship”. Later in 2011 the charity, with more volunteers joining in, changed its name to “CSCNA Charity Corps” in order to encompass various additional programs.
使命宣言 Mission Statement
同舟共濟 服務弱勢
點燃希望 以愛傳愛
Bringing Forth the Supporting Hands of All,
Empowering the Disadvantaged;
Lighting Up the Hope of Life,
Passing On the Gift of Love!
基金目前所贊助的主要服務工作項目 Support Program Categories:
Social Services 社會服務
Scholarships 助學金
Faith Formations 傳信
Youth Leadership Training Fund 青年領袖培育基金

Service Gallery
介紹短片: “An Introduction of CSC North America Charity Corps, Inc.”
介紹投影片: “A New Way of Service”